Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tack; The White Saddle!

I blogged about Tekna a while back. Overall my reaction was positive. But is it just me, or does synthetic tack of any kind, create a hard-to-avoid, immediate judgment of; novice, cheap etc? It seems that way. But maybe this new company will convert some... So far, it seems responses have been pretty positive.. What do you think?

Upon looking at their website recently, I found this...

Yes, that is right! A white Dressage saddle! I don't think it will win with the traditional group of professionals and amateurs, but it's quite interesting. I'd like to see this being used.

And that's not all.. I could see a little girl and pony sporting this...

I know the traditionals among the crowd will run away when they see these nontraditional colours, but I actually think they have a place, somewhere...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Equestrian Exterior; Fashion & Horses.

It's always neat to me, when you see designers combining high fashion with equestrian themes. I would not be caught walking in those high-platform shoes alongside my horse, which can be seen below in multiple counts. But its fun to see how the two worlds combine. Not always practical or functional, but sometimes it does work..

**All above photos copyright to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.