Tuesday, November 4, 2008

English Equestrian Blogs Top Picks - November

This month's award goes to : Behind the Bit

Bringing interesting equine topics, from educational to inspirational to the blogging world of equestrians!

This has been our first round of the EE Blogs TP. Congratulations to BTB and we hope you all will join in for next time's round by nominating your "top pick!"

Please remember : If you receive this award, make sure you nominate a fellow english equestrian blogger for next months Top Pick award! Please nominate by leaving a comment on the Top Pick Nomination Follow-up post. Usually up between 1 & 2 days from the day you were awarded!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I will be following up in a few days (probably Saturday). I appreciate your thinking of me and my blog.
